Royal tern

Royal terns can be observed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North and South America congregating in large squawking groups along the beach. They are also found along the Atlantic coast of Africa and parts of Europe. They feed on small fish swimming in the surf, among mangroves and in lagoons and will hunt by using their sharp beaks to pluck their prey out of the water. Adult birds will hunt for their chicks and their mate.

These birds nest on sand dunes and the protection of this habitat is vital to their survival. The loss of nesting habitats is one of the biggest threat to this birds continued survival. In order to help protect these birds in the wild, be careful of where you step at the beach and also respect beach closure signs so that these and other shore birds and nest. As always, another way to protect shore birds is to reduce the use of plastic and put pressure on plastic manufactures to incest in alternative and more sustainable materials.
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